Welcome to the Race Feed

TL;DR: A single place for everything right on the home page; 24-hour race tracker, write-ups, pics, and video coming out every day; social media up the wazoo; people that know how to report things; SIGN UP for the daily email; party in PT June 12; gun goes off June 13, 0500.

Welcome to Race to Alaska’s Pale Blue Dot as we jam all things race-related into a shrinkable 1080×1024 matrix of Race to Alaska fact and fancy. R2AK’s best and worst humanity will show up here, right on the home page. As before, there will be the 24-hour race tracker and our esteemed Daily Update—the highly maligned perspective pieces thumped out in 24-hour intervals, whose purpose is yet to reveal itself, but tries to examine storied aspects of the event as they unfold. Included with it is our 24-hour fact sheet, a less than accurate stab at using statistics to embody the race and quiet the internet racing tacticians hungry for specifics.

New to 2022 is an addition to the writing troops: Field Reporters! Three hungry media pros are heading up our efforts to get more, deeper, and factually based stories from the race in a timely manner. Trust us or don’t. They are legit. Hop on their social media, and you can follow their unbiased take on the race, and we’ll be posting their gems here and on our social media, too.

Continue your self-delusion of heralded royalty by signing up for our email list. We’ll deliver curated race updates right to your waiting eyes, and you won’t even have to leave your bed. Or dig around our feed, instead. Up to you.

Be a part of the story by coming to the Ruckus on June 12 at Pope Marine Park in Port Townsend. And again at the race starts on June 13 at 0500 at the Northwest Maritime Center. Welcome to R2AK fans and racers. “We are a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena.” So, let’s make some noise.