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Volunteer for R2AK

Bring your sense of humor, a little bit of daring, and a whole lot of enthusiasm. We’re looking for people who aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty and help us keep Port Townsend’s adventure sailing race thriving!

What would that look like? It’s a rogues’ gallery of scoundrels, infamous sailors, backyard heroes, and bold adventurers. You’ll get a chance to be part of the action, meet some famous sailors, and send them off with an proper party.



Volunteer opportunities in Port Townsend and Victoria include registration, finish line ops, bartending, traffic, selling merch, and more!


We’re looking for people who can think on their feet, work well within a structured safety system, and understand that this hard work is what keeps race teams safe. Boat owners and drivers seeking to be a part of the on-the-water safety structure for the Proving Ground should apply here.


We’re looking for people to help us bring action and excitement to the fans. Are you a skilled photographer or videographer? Do you have a vessel that you’d like to volunteer for some portion of the race? Toss your name in the hat and come get down and dirty with the media team.

Our parent organization, the Northwest Maritime Center, handles our volunteer recruitment. If you’re new to volunteering for the Northwest Maritime Center and our events, please fill out our 2024 Release Waiver. Please note that if you filled out the volunteer application in 2023, you will need to complete a 2024 release waiver.


Race to Alaska: It’s big and it’s fun. You’ll want to be a part of it, and we want you to be too! Volunteer shifts in Port Townsend and Victoria include registration help, poster distribution, finish line ops, bartending, traffic, selling merch, and more. You’ll also get a volunteer t-shirt for completing at least two shifts.


Positions for racer safety support are skill-specific. We aren’t looking for master mariners in every position, but we need people who can think on their feet, work well within a structured safety system, have the ability to work hard and sometimes long hours, and understand that this work is what keeps race teams safe during this focused challenge!

Race Boat Inspectors

Be part of a small team of safety folk inspecting vessels. You’ll get to meet the teams and help ensure our high safety standards and safety education. All R2AK teams must satisfy Coast Guard requirements for these race waters. Inspectors will be given training and guidance documents to use for inspections. All racer resistance is sent to the Race Boss, so you get to always be the nice one! You’ll call teams ahead of time to schedule inspections.


Knowledge of shipboard safety gear required. Examples include: PFDs, flares, horns, and VHF radios. You don’t need to be an expert, but you should have some experience with shipboard safety gear. You also must have the ability to walk about marinas easily and take pictures of the boats you inspect.


Available to meet with the Inspection Team on zoom sometime in the month before the race start. Available to meet with race teams for inspections during the R2AK Ruckus on Saturday, June 8, in Port Townsend and occasionally in the weeks prior for teams who may arrive early/live nearby. There are no standard shifts for Safety Inspectors. Need to be available to meet for training sometime at the end of April or early May, most likely on Zoom.

War Room

Be one of roughly 12 folks picked to help run the eyes and ears of the R2AK Stage One Proving Ground. You’ll take part in monitoring the start line and tracking the racers all the way to Victoria. It’s a long day (8-12 hours) starting at 4:30 in the morning. We are looking for people who are organized and can work well within a team. Jobs are diverse and include operating VHF radios, tracking racers on the race tracker, and shuffling information to keep the whole team up to date on exact locations of racers. The War Room team is critical to the success of Stage One. The team’s information and accuracy are used to communicate effectively with local and international Search and Rescue operations. Some job training is provided, but you must come with some skill.


Dispatcher:  Proficiency in marine VHF operation and etiquette. Know your boat speak!

Start Line Observer: Knowledge of boat types and terms, good eyes, organized.

Tech/Tracker Observer: Computer literate, good communicators. Will be using tech interfaces to keep Incident Commander appraised of racer location and area vessel traffic.

Assistant: Smart, energetic, and good on a team…


Day of Stage One start from 0430 to 1630 at the latest. Often done by noon. There are no shifts for the War Room. Need to be available to meet for training sometime in the middle/end of May/early June.

GPS Tracker Trainer

We need 2-4 people to train teams in the operation and use of the GPS device that we require all teams to carry. Volunteers will be trained and supplied with support materials.


Good communication skills and ability to stand for a while and some comfort around the use of technology that has more than two buttons (but no more than 5!).


Need to be available to meet for training end of May. Shifts are 4 hours long during the Ruckus (day before Race Start).

Race Support Vessels

Ready to give it all by supporting the races with yourself and your vessel? Do you have a boat? Want to put it to the best and highest use and be part of the race’s Incident Command System (ICS)? We are looking for vessels as small as 12’ RIBs to as large as whatever you got! Every year a team of vessels becomes the eyes, ears, and hands for our Stage One safety framework—based on FEMA’s ICS system for crisis management—from Port Townsend to Victoria. We offer training in some lifesaving techniques and can even supply some crew.


A sound vessel and an ability to operate in all conditions suitable for your vessel type. Good VHF skills and the willingness and ability to work in a team with a strong hierarchical structure (the Race Boss calls the shots!). Bringing your own crew is a plus—after all, you know them already.


It all happens on Race Day and is a one-day gig that starts at 0430! Early! Captains must be available for at least one planning meeting about 3 weeks prior to race start. It’s a bonus if captains and crew are available for lifesaving training on their vessels prior to race start. Need to be available to meet for training sometime in the middle of May.


We are looking for camera folk, social media jockeys, and folks willing to take some short videos for social media and our website. Have a drone? Join the teams that run around our race course helping to document these incredible efforts of racers. We know we are asking for a lot and are willing to shower you with appreciation, photo or video credit, and help to make your efforts as simple as possible.


We take every opportunity to snap race images. We have media crews in Port Townsend before and during race start, in Victoria for the festivities and second race start, in Ketchikan for the finishes, and on the water in between those locations. It’s near impossible to describe all the potential scenarios, but if you think you are up for some adventure, want to lend us your talent, and are willing to volunteer—please let us know.


You should know your way around your camera and be able to upload to the cloud without a lot of hand-holding. We aren’t really looking for “hobbyists,” but people studied in the art and striving to take better photos every time they go out. And just so you know, while we love you, we are looking for good photographers for the environment we race in. Because of that, we have to really vet our candidates. If you think you will be offended by our pickiness, please don’t apply to this, and let’s find something else we can do together that guarantees fun!


Some times in May and June would be the most helpful for us, but again, let’s talk.

Film Crew

We take every opportunity to grab video footage of the race. We have media crews in Port Townsend before and during race start, in Victoria for the festivities and second race start, in Ketchikan for the finishes, and on the water in between those locations. It’s near impossible to describe all the potential scenarios, but if you think you are up for some adventure, want to lend us your talent, and are willing to volunteer—please let us know.


You should know your way around your camera and be able to upload to the cloud without a lot of hand-holding. We aren’t really looking for “hobbyists,” but people studied in the art and striving to take better footage every time they go out. And just so you know, while we love you, we are looking for good videographers for the environment we race in. Because of that, we have to really vet our candidates. If you think you will be offended by our pickiness, please don’t apply to this, and let’s find something else we can do together that guarantees fun!


Some times in May and June would be the most helpful for us, but again, let’s talk.

Film Editing

With limited connectivity out there on the race course, and with the action happening faster than we’re able to tell the stories, film editing capacity gets strained pretty fast. Perhaps you’re taking a break from your gig putting together Great British Baking Show episodes, maybe you’re a rockstar YouTube creator. Show us what you’ve got.


You should show up with a solid understanding of the R2AK “vibe”, and also with fast and experienced fingers in the film editing department. We aren’t really looking for folks who sometimes put a video together, but rather people who consider film editing to be their passion, and are always on a quest for the sublime. Because of that, we have to really vet our candidates. If you think you will be offended by our pickiness, please don’t apply to this, and let’s find something else we can do together that guarantees fun!


Some times in May and June would be the most helpful for us, but again, let’s talk.

Social Media

If this is your forte, we’d love to chat. Social media is increasingly important to any business or venture. We need to share the stories of the race with the right tags, frequency, and tone. Depending on the scenario—travel could be involved, there is also the potential of getting on the water, or just sitting on your yoga ball at home. Seriously, we have so many options.


We are looking for folks that can leverage their unique social media skills into a pivotal volunteer position.


Some times in May and June would be the most helpful for us, but again, let’s talk.

Media Support Vessel

Ready to give it all by supporting the races with yourself and your vessel? Do you have a boat? Want to put it to the best and highest use and be part of the race’s Media Team? Every year a team of volunteer vessels become the platform from which the cameras roll, and are the reason the R2AK universe fills the deep need to see the action out on the water. It’s a chance to embed with Race High Command, and get face to face with the Race Teams out there in the wilds.


The ideal Media Team vessel is a power vessel that can travel at a reasonable (~10kn) speed, or even a fantastic (15+kn) speed, and serve as a suitable platform for a small team (1-3) of photographers or videographers to shoot content from. This vessel has the ability to provide sleeping space for said team. 


Your availability may range from just the race start day, or all the way up to traveling the entire course between Port Townsend and Ketchikan between June 9 and July 5. Let’s discuss!

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