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Day Done: A Letter From Race Boss

Let’s start with the facts. Forty-four teams started with dreams of glory and sea spray, fears of the rugged places, and pedaling-induced injuries. Of those, 32 aimed for the whole enchilada: the 750-mile gut-punch to Ketchikan. And to start the thing off, the Proving Ground didn’t disappoint. A perfect blend of (almost) Coast Guard-free waters…

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Stage 2, Day 19: Spirit of X

Upon the news of the final finish, a sad foghorn was heard somewhere north of Bella Bella as the Grim Sweeper gave up its chase. Yesterday, two incredible solo teams etched their names into the R2AK annals with finishes that exemplified tenacity. Ohad of Team Spirit of Nevetz, on his XCAT (which received its share…

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Stage 2, Day 14: SLAM Takeover

Greetings, race viewers and tracker fans! Brianna, from Team Sail Like A Mother, here for a friendly Daily Update takeover. We thought you might like to see a snapshot of the finish line from a racer’s perspective. First, let’s set the scene: the home stretch. Racers have been crammed together aboard a small vessel for…

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Stage 2, Day 11: Phantom whispers of the Grim Sweeper, eau de Ketchikan and some magic.

Halfway point, folks. The moment where some next level magic happens, or the gremlins in the gears start dancing. It’s at this point minds begin to wander back to the start in Port Townsend, even as their eyes stay glued to the Ketchikan finish line. Sitting somewhere in a dark corner, perhaps an old woodshed…

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Stage 2, Day 8: French, Non-disasters, the Danger of Strangers, and We Use All the Words

The finish line was active for roughly the last 36 hours between Team Stranger Danger’s Day 6 finish and the early morning finishes of the High School Armada. (They got in too late to make the press deadline, more on them tomorrow.)  Working backward from time of arrival, here are the rest:  Day 7, 22:43,…

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Stage 2, Day 6: Third Time’s a Charm for an Overnight Success 9 Years in the Making.

The world of media coverage needs things simple. Life is complicated. Depending on how you tilt your head, today’s top story was both. After somewhere between five days and nine years of hard-fought effort, Team Malolo crossed the line and rang in their rightful place in the annals of R2AK.  It would be easy to…

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Stage 2, day 3: Seymour yawned, everyone finds their race, Team Barely Heumann allegedly sang karaoke.

By all accounts Seymour Narrows is one of the few made guys in the R2AK mafia. There’s never been enough evidence to convict, but Seymour has a well earned reputation as a tidal maelstrom with a rap sheet a mile long that includes massive whirlpools that suck under humans and small boats alike. When all…

Continue Reading Stage 2, day 3: Seymour yawned, everyone finds their race, Team Barely Heumann allegedly sang karaoke.

Stage 2, Day 1: Race Start, washing underwear in the sink, and somebody licks a Ouija Board. 

If you were to have invented, patented, then produced a new geiger counter that measured the levels of nervous energy instead of radiation, then deploy that device on the docks in Victoria for the 24-hours between noon on Tuesday and noon on Wednesday at least two things would be true: You would have spent a…

Continue Reading Stage 2, Day 1: Race Start, washing underwear in the sink, and somebody licks a Ouija Board. 

Stage 1, Day 2: The Little Ones Make It (Mostly), Thinly Veiled Plagiarism, and Human-Powered Suppositories.

Race to Alaska is a lot of things, but it’s at least a race. Yes to Alaska, but first prove you can get to Victoria.  To get there, you need to cross the Strait of Juan de Fuca. We’re public school graduates here at Race Command, but we all agree that in addition to being…

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Big R2AK News: Now With Less More.

Dear adventure artists, tracker hounds, dreamers of terrifying dreams, As you know, we, the cobblers’ children of Race to Alaska, pride ourselves on delivering an experience that’s as unpredictable as Johnstone Strait winds and makes failure but a tasty appetizer to triumph.  With that spirit in mind, we’re announcing the next evolution of our beloved…

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