Stage 2, Day 19: Bedankt

As the final four teams wend their way through the eastern passages towards Ketchikan, and the storytelling engine begins to sputter due to lack of fuel, now might just be the time to gaze out over the landscape of our shared R2AK experience and take note of the foundations upon which it all stands. From monetary support, accommodation for the media teams, meals, and promotional help to a great place to sip coffee and mine the stories from the racers post-adventure, none of this would be possible without . . .

Things That Help Make the Magic Happen


Without which the Ketchikan Airport would not have that “je ne sais quoi”

Whale Lips

For making agog Team Solvieg

Mark the Customs guy/pie baker

Rolling dough since 2015

Port Townsend’s Unexpected Brass Band

At this point, we kind of expect you.

Whoever that imposter was that took the place of the Proving Ground

Pretty tame out there, guy.


We’re grateful, but you can sit the next one out.


You’re the only thing that makes us want to stop in Winslow, Arizona

Cruise Ships

For acting as mid-level bosses of our live-action video game

The Haulout Lift in Bella Bella

You worked hard for us this year


Not just for snitches anymore.

The Rock that Trimorons hit.

Yes, you were on the chart – it wasn’t your fault. Also, Dwayne Johnson.

Awesome Folks Who Support Us

The New York Cafe, where owner Raffy lets us hang for days.

55 North Bakery and Coffee (and tactical pastry delivery crew).

Liam, and by proxy: Canada.

Jordan and his big loud cannon.

Swans Pub, home of Victoria’s Racer Dinner Shindy.

The Last Wild Buffalo for playing great tunes at our Ketchikan Parties

Volunteers who do everything.

And of Course Our Official Sponsors

And lastly, and somewhat more heartwarmingly than is our norm: you.

You, who show up at the race starts and finishes and cheer the racers on; who ride out on their zodiacs in the middle of nowhere to deliver fruits, pastries, hot drinks and love; who cast the pale phone-glow of the tracker on their bedroom ceilings every night for three weeks, sending out hope and encouragement to our heroes as they battle a foul current – you’re the juice in this smoothie, tying it all together. Without you, the 29 teams that departed Victoria almost three weeks ago would be a disconnected smattering of dots from which no meaningful constellation could be conceived. Your part in all of this is very real, and crucial to the success of Race to Alaska.

Thank you.

Header photo by Liam Pareis